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Biofire filmarray

Using multiplex PCR assay for simultaneous testing for bacteria, viruses, yeast, parasites and/or antimicrobial resistant genes. Advantages: - Rapid, reliable and accurate results - faster clinical decision making and targeted therapeutic approach to reduce inappropriate antibiotic use and antibiotic duration - reducing hospital length of stay - improving patient management - and giving better outcomes - A reduction in the need for follow-up testing. - More efficient testing can reduce overall healthcare costs

Automated blood culture device

The DL-BT 32 auto-detects a wide range of microbes, including fungi and even fastidious bacteria in the blood. The DL-BT 32 has an independent detector in each position providing real-time status and detecting signal every minute.

Success Partners

Al ahly
eastern company
Egyptian Custom Authority
Agricultural Trade Union
General Authority of Doctors of Egypt
Engineers Syndicate
General Petroleum Company
Egyptian lawyer Association
Central Auditing Organization
Gezira Sports Club
General Authority For Health Insurance
Cairo Bank
نقابة السينمائيين
نقابة المهن الاجتماعية
نقابة المهن الرياضية
نقابة التطبيقيين
نقابة المهن العلمية
نقابة المهن التعليمية (1)
نقابة المهن الموسيقية
نقابة الفنانين التشكليين
نقابة التجاريين
نقابة المرشدين السياحيين
نقابة الصحفيين
نقابة تجاريين الجيزة
MetLife Alico
Banque Misr
Egyptian Football Association